The recording option in Synergy SKY enables users to easily add recording to a meeting. The recording integration requires a recording service by one of the supported providers and a resource account in the calendar system that users add to their invitation when scheduling a meeting. The resource account can even be added to and/or removed from the meeting after the meeting has started to only record a part of the meeting.
Three different recording services are supported: Panopto, Quickchannel and REC.VC.
Common for all three is that you will have to add one Connection and one API integration (refer to Integration Settings for further details).
On-premise MCU | This feature requires a supported MCU, please refer to each individual recording provider for more details. |
Configuration Reference
Step by Step Guide
Panopto delivers a RTMP based recording service which is supported with Pexip Infinity MCU. Recordings are stored in the Panopto cloud service under the account of the meeting organizer with the same title that was defined in the meeting invitation. The recording will be stored in the account of the API user if the organizer did not have a user in Panopto.
The Panopto service returns the URL used to view the meeting when the meeting is booked. This URL can be automatically be embedded into the meeting invitation by referring to the %StreamingPath% variable in the 'Recording footer' template, refer to How To: Configure Email Templates.
The integration user needs to have "admin" permissions in your Panopto account.
Quickchannel delivers a RTMP based recording service which is supported with Pexip Infinity MCU. Recordings are stored in the Quickchannel service under the account of the meeting organizer with the same title that was defined in the meeting invitation. A new account will be created for the organizer if an existing account was not found.
Please note the following:
Quickchannel stream key:
This is the URL provided by Quickchannel for your recording account. The URL you get may contain more information than should be added here, so everything after the first underscore should be removed (including the underscore)
The URL may be: rtmp://
But should be: rtmp://
Enable dual streams:
Check this checkbox if the Quickchannel service should record both the main stream and the content channel. The streams are stored as individual streams but can be played back synchronized by the Quickchannel video player
REC.VC delivers a SIP based recording service, which is supported with both Pexip Infinity and Cisco Meeting Server. Recordings are stored in the REC.VC under the account of the meeting organizer. The recording requires the organizer to have an account with the REC.VC service, because the call to the service will be connected by a dial-out to a re-written version of the organizer's email address..
Please note the following:
Email address matching rule (RegEx):
The Regex rule to identify parts of the organizer's email address to be used in the replace rule below
Example: (.+)
Email address replace rule (RegEx):
The Replace value to be used with the Regex rule: \
Example: The configuration above will work as follows: schedules a meeting that going to be recorded by REC.VC (inviting the resource). Synergy JOIN will at the start time of the
Note: It is possible to stop the booking confirmation emails from the recording service account to spam the user's mailbox by setting up a Second transport rule to remove accept confirmations