This guide will take you through how a Management Suite server running version 31.18.xx can be upgraded to a Management Suite server running version 40.0x.xx
- Recommended that you take a snapshot of your Current VM, prior to starting Advanced Upgrade
- Internet access is required as the process will download software from Synergy SKY ( and from Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation. List of Rocky Linux mirrors can be found here
- Verify root partition has the correct size of 20Gb or more
- Keycloak must be disabled before the advanced upgrade, and setup as new once the upgrade is completed.
Step-by-Step guide
- Login as admin as usual then exit to shell
- Switch to root user, enter command:
sudo su -
- Verify size of root partition with command:
df -H
- Confirm the partition listed has 20-25Gb total space. If this shows less than 20Gb, please open a Support Case for assistance in expanding the partition. If this shows as 20Gb or more, proceed to the next command.
- Download and run upgrade with the following command:
bash <(curl -s
A restart of the virtual machine is required after the upgrade has completed:
sudo reboot